The 2014 MWERA Annual Meeting
was held Nov. 12-15 in Evanston, Illinois
Program Information:
2014 Conference Program (updated Nov. 10, 2014)
2014 Call for Proposals (updated May 14, 2014)
MWERA Distinguished Paper Award
2014 Annual Meeting Theme: The Changing Roles of Institutes of Learning: The Transformative Power of Technology
When: November 12-15, 2014
What: Invited speakers, Focused workshops, Peer-reviewed papers, Research-in-progress papers, networking opportunities.
Program Chair: T. Mark Beasley, Ph.D. e-mail:
Keynote Speaker: Simone C. O. Conceição, Ph.D. "Educate, Motivate, and Support: Meeting the Needs of 21st Century Tech-savvy Learners"
Where: Hilton Orrington Hotel, Evanston, IL
Dr. Aimin Wang with students and colleagues |